Looking for Computer or Server repair? We repair both software and hardware problems. We repair anything from removing viruses right up to component level replacement or trouble shooting.
Diagnosing and troubleshooting faulty systems
On a PC or Laptop basis the software repairs we perform include repairing corrupted applications or file systems, reinstalling applications, fixing DLL or missing file problems, removing viruses or spyware, removing error messages on start-up, diagnosing internet explorer errors, if its on a windows based system, we can help. Hardware repairs include diagnosing and troubleshooting faulty

computer CPUs, memory modules, motherboards, graphics cards, hard disk drives, dvd+/-rw drives, power supplies, etc.
On a server we also cover a large range of repair services, software repairs include exchange database repairs, file system repairs, file permission repairs or active directory repairs. Hardware repairs include troubleshooting faults on server CPUs, memory modules, motherboards, controllers, hard disk drives, dvd+/-rw drives, power supplies, etc.
We hold stock enabling fast resolution of hardware problems*
We hold stock for a large range of hardware, so if you require component replacement, we can resolve your problem as soon as its identified. We offer our repair services throughout Colchester and Chelmsford Essex, Ipswich Suffolk and the surrounding areas throughout East Anglia.
Our PC and laptop repair services are usually performed in our workshop on a fixed fee labour basis and servers can either be repaired onsite on an hourly labour rate or in our workshop. Contact us to discuss your problem and an engineer will be happy to help.
We hold stock for our most commonly used items, specialist items are ordered in next day.