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Since 2003, the rate of spyware infections we have come across has increased massively. Spyware is slightly different from a virus mainly because it doesn't normally cause what we class as mass destruction to your files and folders.

Unable to run any programs, we can help

Spyware comes in several million different variants and can contain infections such as a trojans which will hijack your internet connection to enable spammers to relay e-mail through your connection, malware that is specifically designed to disrupt your computers operation, root kits that hijack your search results and take you to another website to potentially further infect you, but which ever it's classed as, its a huge security risk to your internet browsing, online transactions and computers security.

Fake scanners telling you how many infections you have

You can usually tell you have a rogue infection on your PC from the following symptoms: Random Pop Ups, slow system performance, installation of a rogue Antivirus program alerting you to several hundred fake infections, programs asking for credit card details to remove your infections, Internet Explorer or other browser homepages changing, search results going to other websites or internet usage gone through the roof. These are all just some of the tell tail signs that you have an infection.

We have vast experience in dealing with all levels of infections

Our Spyware removal services are usually performed at our workshop for a fixed labour fee or we can attend your premises on an hourly rate. We offer our Spyware removal services in and around Colchester, Chelmsford and throughout Essex or in Ipswich and throughout Suffolk. In some cases we can use our remote control software to connect to your system and remove the spyware remotely, but this depends on how serious your infection is. Here is a quick example of some of the issues will fix on a regular basis.

  • Every program opened is infected
  • Multiple drive write errors
  • System drive is empty
  • Icons missing from start menu
  • Fake security programs
  • Task Manager will not open
  • Web search results get redirected
  • Unknown icons appearing on system

We can remove spyware from Servers, Small Business Servers, PCs, Laptops, Netbooks and generally any other device running Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 or Server 2000 / 2003 / 2008 / 2011. We recommend any device which has access to the internet should have an Antivirus program installed along with a real-time spyware scanner.

Contact one of our workshop technicians today to see how we can help.

Our techinicans solve 99% of spyware related issues including:

  • disabled task manager
  • blocked programs
  • browser hijacks
  • fake security software
  • homepage hijacks
  • slow systems



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