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Cloud Backup

Need a backup solution for protecting your irreplaceable data? Tired of finding out what to backup your data onto? Physical data storage too expensive? Cloud backup, also known as online backup, is a mechanism for backing up data over the internet to a remote server. This is considered an ‘offsite’ backup solution and would protect your data in the event of theft or a fire.

Keep your important data safe without the worry or hassle

Online backup systems usually consist of software installed on your computer that can be scheduled to backup certain data or to continuously backup files as they are modified. This type of backup is convenient as you do not need to keep changing backup drives or tapes over. It's ideally suited to situations where only small amounts of data need to be backed up. If you have large amounts of data or need to backup sql or exchange databases then you will need an onsite backup solution.

Geting started

If you would like more information on our cloud backup solution or would like to start backing up your data now, then please follow the link below to visit our cloud providers website.

IDrive Remote Backup

Get in touch

If you have an enquiry or wish to discuss our cloud backup service in more detail, please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience. We can meet at your office or you can pop into ours. We are happy to help and offer our cloud backup services throughout Colchester, Clacton, Chelmsford Essex, Ipswich Suffolk and further afield.

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